Official Site: WhatATrip.Film
A feature-length documentary sharing Rick Doblin's 50 year journey to legalize psychedelics, starting with MDMA to treat PTSD. When he was 18, Rick Doblin decided to become a Psychedelic Psychotherapist, but first he would have to change the law. To do so, Rick transformed from a college dropout with a pet wolf into a Harvard Kennedy School Phd grad, who wrote his PhD thesis on how to take psychedelics through the FDA approval process. Rick founded the non-profit and went on to raise over 200 million dollars to fund FDA approved clinical research with psychedelics . Decades later, MDMA is on track to become a legal prescription drug to treat PTSD and Rick's psychedelic dream is close to becoming a reality that could change the world of mental health and culture.
Donate: Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to support this documentary production. We will be filming til MDMA becomes legal (estimated 2024)
A still from What a Trip with Rick Doblin at Burning Man. Photo by Nirvan.
A young Rick Doblin at the 1983 Psychedelic Conference in Santa Barbara.
Kids explain a groundbreaking solution to the world’s plastic waste problem.
WHAT A TRIP: The Rick Doblin Story
Rick Doblin's historic journey to legalize psychedelics. From Executive Producer Darren Aronofsky. (Work in Progress)
A Love Letter from # Earth To Paris
A love letter narrated by Morgan Freeman for the UN Foundation’s COP21 Paris Climate Summit.
UN Climate Strike with Greta Thunberg
The biggest climate strike in history. Bringing voices of youth directly to world leaders.
Celebrity PSA for the UN's first World Humanitarian Summit to address the global refugee crisis.
Caine's Arcade
A short film about the best cardboard arcade ever made.